Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

White House Mystery, Washington DC

welcome in my second post...^^
This time ....I want to tell you about my scary story from Washington DC....

Hmmm...Do you know about White House??
Barakh Obama's residence??

 Obama's residence not only goverment office but  it  is one of the scary building in United states.......

           The White House is the home of the president of the United states presidency. This building is the official residence of the president and his family during his tenure as president. The White House had has stood for over 200 years. The building is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, the capital of the United states.
          At various times is history, the white house has been known as the" Presidential Palace","House of The President" and "Executive Mansion". President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House at 1901.         
       The building which was founded 200 years ago is a mystery in it. Not only is the residence of the current American president, but also the residence of a former president of several that ensure others know of their existence, even though they were dead.         

       According to an employee who worked as a servant of the White House, the building was very scary at night. Toward evening, the atmosphere was so quiet and eerie. At that time, most of the lighting in this building this building be turned off and mysterious place in the dark night. Some ghost sightings often disturb the peace of building occupants. The White House is also filled with the ghosts of former presidents who occasionally appear, despite the fact that they are dead.        

      Ghost President that most often seen is Abraham Lincoln. Eleanor Roosevelt once said he was sure he felt the presence of Lincoln watching her as she worked in the Lincoln bedroom. Also during the Roosevelt administration, a young employee who actually saw the ghost of Lincoln sitting on the bed, took off his boots.
       Not only the president and his staff are harassed. Even the state guests such as Queen Wihelmina admitted disturbed ghost of Abraham Lincoln.Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was awakened by a knock at the door. After opening the door, he was confronted with the ghost of Abe Lincoln staring at her from the hallway. Meanwhile, Calvin Coolidge's wife reported seeing the ghost of Lincoln several times stood with his hands clasped behind his back, in a window in the Oval Office, staring deep contemplation toward the bloody battlefields in the Potomac.

        The second ghost who often seen is President Andrew Jackson. President Harrison looked President Andrew Jackson haunted bedroom at the White House. And the ghost of Mrs. Abigail Adams is often seen floating through one hallway of the White House, as if carrying something. According to several people who have seen this ghost, she often complained about the weather poorly.

               The third ghost is  the British soldiers were killed in the fighting around the White House about 1814 years. Ghost is often seen walking track hall of the White House, carrying torches. Even Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and one of the compilers of the Declaration of American Independence in the 18th century, supposedly love appears also in the White House, was playing the violin.

Thank You for your attention....
Waiting my scary story in the next month...^^ 

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